Thursday, November 20, 2014

Rotating Legs & Arms Inward

Adho Mukha Virasana

- legs wide apart, keeping toes on mat

- block at highest height between legs

Marichyasana I
- simple twist

Marichyasana II
- twist other way
- hold hug bent leg

- legs hip width apart
- concave back
- then head down

- block at highest height between legs

Marichyasana I
- simple twist

Marichyasana II
- twist other way
- hold hug bent leg

- legs hip width apart
- concave back
- then head down

Utthita Trikonasana
- on angle

Utthita Parsvakonasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana Arms
- standing in Tadasana
- rotate the tricep toward the face
- move the arm from the armpit, up

Adho Mukha Svanasana
- rotate triceps inward/under
- move biceps toward wall
- move the back body into the front body
- move shoulders into body

Viparita Dandasana
- on chair

Ardha Urdhva Dhanurasana x3
- on chair
- mat and blanket hanging on back rest of chair
- press soles of feet into legs of chair
- bottom shoulder-blades at backrest
- elongate top of buttocks toward knees
- think of block still in between thighs
- then hands on wall

Niralamba Sarvangasana
- shoulderstand setup facing 6" away from wall
- place bolster at end of blanket setup
- strap on before going up
- swing shins up at wall
- hold unto bolster
- then place hands on back
- curl toes under
- lift inner heels, buttocks, and torso(?)
- rotate thighs inward
- interlace hands unto bolster
- end in supported Karnipadasana

Upvista Konasana
- sit on shoulderstand blanket setup
- start in Baddha Konasana
- press navel of bolster into navel
- fall forward
- extend arms forward

Supta Swastikasana
- then extend legs into Supta Tadasana

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