Monday, September 23, 2013

Seated, Backbends & Twists

10/18/13 Class

- trifold blankets, longer & thinner for under armpits
- double fold for head & thighs


- two double fold blankets for knees
- tops of feet on floor
- then tuck toes under


Concave Uttanasana

Supta Padangustasana
- one leg in Mariychasana
- then straight leg

- hands on blocks/ concave back
- original pose

Vibradrasana III
- start asana from Uttanasana
- do not extend arms, leave fingers touching ground

Ardha Sirasana
- w/ 2 blocks T-shaped against wall

Vipraita Dandasana

Twist on chair

Supta Padangusthasana in Vipraita Dandasana
- one leg bent over back of chair
- belt that foot then straighten overhead
- hold unto belt above head

Wide legged twist on chair

Cross Bolsters
- bolster widthwise on mat
- 2 folded blankets lenghtwise crossing on top of bolsters
- block under blankets, sit on top
- blanket for head

Twist Lying on Floor
- bolster at side resting that sides' bent leg
- twist without bolster

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