Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Standing Sequence Uttanasana Focused

Supta Padangusthasana Variation
- one leg bent
- belt above heel straight leg perpendicular to floor
- other leg bent into 90 degree angle
- leg straight holding onto both sides of foot

Adho Mukha Virasana
- torso in line with knee variation on both sides

- fingertips on floor, concave back

- concave back

- holding onto big toes, head down

- head down

- bend and move ribs away so abdomen rests on top of thighs
- bent and wrap arms around legs
- slowly straighten legs into Uttanasana keeping abdomen on thighs

 Salmaba Sirasana
- two blocks at back
- variation both feet at both sides
- arms in tripod variation

Marichyasana I

Baddha Konasana
- sitting on rolled mat
- lift legs and feet
- feet on rolled mat

Heels on Rolled mat squatting

Setu Bandha
- tailbone on block
- one foot straight up
- both feet up » Viparina Karani


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