Friday, October 22, 2010

The Yamas

The Yamas are the first limb of yoga. They are moral rules for society. If followed, they bring peace and harmony in the world. The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali offers these five Yamas (Sutra 2.30):

1. Ahimsa: non-violence
2. Satya: non-lying
3. Asteya: non-stealing
4. Brahmacharya: moderation
5. Aparigraha: non-greed

Each of the yamas manifests on three levels:
  • Mental: mindfulness of what we think
  • Verbal: mindfulness of what we say
  • Physical: mindfulness of what we do

Below are examples from my advanced studies class on how to practice and contemplate the yamas.

Sutra 2.35 Ashimsa: In the presence of one practicing ahimsa, hostility can not exist.
  • Example of mental ashimsa - When I think negative thoughts about someone, I will take time to notice why I am thinking this way, striving to understand that the person behaves the way he does because of previous life experience.
  • verbal ashimsa - When someone insults or criticizes me, how do I feel and why do I allow those words to affect me? Can I ignore them, or investigate why they are being said?
  • physical ashimsa - When I witness violence or become afraid, can I use discernment to decide for myself if and to what extent I should be involved?

Sutra 2.36
2. Satya: Truthfulness secures confidence in the results of an action
  • mental satya - I will be honest with myself instead of thinking I should be feeling another way.
  • verbal satya -
  • physical satya - When I

Sutra 2.37
3. Asteya: Prosperity comes to one who does not steal.

Sutra 2.38
4. Brahmacharya: When practicing non sensuality, vitality is obtained.

Sutra 2.39
5. Aparigraha: When no longer grasping for things, we discover why we are born.

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