Friday, October 22, 2010

The Niyamas

The niyamas are the second limb of yoga. They are rules of conduct towards oneself that consist of certain disciplines which are both physical and mental. These individual ethical observations that can help harmonize our inner lives. They are:

1. Saucha: cleanliness; both inner and outer
2. Santosa: contentment
3. Tapas: discipline
4. Svadhyaya: self-study
5. Ishvara Pranidhana: self-surrender

The niyamas, like the yamas, can be practiced both in our daily lives and also in our yoga practice. For example, finding time to practice is difficult. You require discipline (tapas) to make time and practice your asanas. This in turn cleanses your body (saucha) making you feel content (santosha) with your practice. Since you are practicing more frequently, you make more accurate observations (svadhyaya) on your asanas and surrender (ishvara pranidhana) yourself to the study of yoga.

When your living space and the food you eat is clean (sauca), you can concentrate and focus more clearly. Being discontent only breeds envy and unhappiness, whereas practicing an attitude of gratitude (santosa) results in living a happy existence. Discipline (tapas) is everything in yoga from disciplining to practice the asanas, the yoga sutras, and becoming a better human being. Studying (svadhyaya) your actions and how you react to situations will give a clearer understanding why you do the things you do and how to avoid conflict by merely reacting. Knowing that the world is more than oneself (isvara pranidhana) is spiritually enlightening.

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