Monday, March 10, 2014

Restorative Sequence

Supta Baddha Konasana
- Torso on bolster
- Toes at wall
- Catch elbows overhead
- Then arms at side

Adho Mukha Virasana
- Knees on bolster
- Top of feet on ground
- Fold over, head down
- Buttocks has earth element

- Feet mat width apart
- Place fingertips on bolster
- Then feet hip width apart
- Head down


Ardha Sirsasana


Eka Pada in Salamba Sarvangasana
- Metatarsals on seat of chair



- Blocks near feet
- Palms facing up
- Fingers facing back

Viparita Karani

Chant Om
- Set up Queen Pose (below); Sit on bolster
- Cross legs so that the shin flesh moves away from the bone
- Place one foot in front of the other
- Touch thumb and forefinger tip together; palms face up
- Extend first open mouth Om; 3 times
- Then extend last closed mouth Om; 3 times
- MaliMudra? Place thumb tips into ear; lift elbows
- Chant one Om

Queen Pose
- Lie torso on long triple fold blanket on top of long double fold blanket
- Leave space for lower back
- Double fold blanket for head
- Bolster for knees

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Iyengar Yoga Sequencing

While looking for an image for this blog post, I stumbled upon this excellent  yoga blog  with great sequences and cute drawings! I alrea...