Thursday, March 20, 2014

Four Paths to Liberation

I decided to start reading sections of "Yoga: A Gem for Women" - by the wonderful Geeta Iyengar, BKS Iyengar's daughter - before my yoga practice. The second chapter spoke about the Four Paths of Liberation which resonated with me especially since I'm also reading a book about Buddhism. (Lots of spiritual reading, indeed). I am constantly aware of not being able to retain all the information I've read or heard throughout the years of my long yoga journey. I remembered that there's a good method to retaining education; it's reading, speaking out loud what you read, and writing it down.

"Spiritual knowledge and material knowledge - both are necessary. Pursuit of one at the cost of the other leads to downfall. Material knowledge enables one to face life's problems, whereas spiritual knowledge helps one to realize oneself."

- verse from Isopanisad I. Up. 11.

Four paths to balance material and spiritual knowledge
  1. Knowledge
  2. Action
  3. Devotion
  4. Yoga

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