Sunday, November 24, 2013

Backbend Sequence

Discussion on judging body through the thinking mind. 

Ardha Pardva Hastasana
- standing with hand on wall
- rotate wrist so fingers point behind you

Pardva Hastasana

Utthita Trikonasana
- lift from inner wrist
- side up
- deltoid moving down
- mimick same actions from Ardha Pardva Hastasana

Adho Mukha Virasana
- hands on angled block slanted on wall
- roll triceps under

Sun Salutations x10
Urdva Hastasana
Concave Uttanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Urdvha Hastasana

Dwi Pada Dandasana
- regular 
- arms outstretched then crossed with back of head resting on them

Ardha Urva Danurasana x3
- bolster long resting on back of chair
- hold chair
- feet angled and pressing on bottom of chair legs 
- lift up buttocks
- legs stay parallel
- move into asana then place hands on wall with elbows bent and moving towards each other
- straighten arms and move hands closer to the floor

Removing lethargy 

Cross Bolsters
(combination of Viparita Dandasana & Setu Bandha)
- Rolled blanket under neck which gives a backbend effect 

Viparita Karini

Adho Mukha Virasana
- over lengthwise bolster with abdomen resting on bolster
- turn left
- turn right

Adho Mukha Virasana
- bolster widthwise on ground with forehead resting
- hands touching opposite ends of bolster

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