Monday, November 12, 2012

First Yoga Class Taught

It's been a long, enlightening journey teaching yoga. Or at least, attempting to teach yoga. I spent a lot of time sequencing classes and practicing the exact words I'd use to explain the asanas. My first class 8 weeks ago is written below. I used a simple sequence from the Iyengar Institute in New York. Much has changed since my first class - the way I sequence, the poses I select, the way I teach, and talk.

Class 1 
Have students bring two blankets and 2 blocks to their mat. Introduce yourself Ask about students experience Ask if anyone has pain or body issues

Bending the elbows bring the palms together in front of the sternum
Place the thumb side near the sternum
Have an equal contact between the base of the palm, the middle of the palm, and the length of all fingers. 

Stand upright in the middle of your mat
Keep feet together, toes, ankles and heels touching
See that the body weight is spread evenly over the feet
Tighten the kneecaps and lift the knees up
Press the front of the thighs back
Keep the spine erect and the chest lifted
Place your arms down by the sides, in line with the hips
Roll the shoulders back and tuck the shoulder-blades in
Keep neck and head straight
Look straight ahead

Urdhva Hastasana
Stand in Tadasana
Exhale and extend the arms straight forward and above the head
Keep the upper arms in line with the ears
Bring the palms to face each other
Extend the wrists and fingers
Look up and check that the palms are facing each other and exactly parallel
Look straight ahead

Urdhva Baddhanguliyasna
Stand in Tadasana
Interlock the fingers
Rotate the palms of the hands & wrists away from you
Keep thumbs pointing towards the floor
Straighten the elbows
Extend the arms toward the ceiling keeping the upper arms in line with the ears
Have the entire surface of the both palms equally facing the ceiling
Bring the hands forward
Release the interlock, lower the arms down
Change the interlock

Bring short end of the mall to the wall
Stand in Tadasana
Bend the right knee and catch hold of the right ankle
Take the knee out to the right side
Place the sole of the right foot high on the inside of the left thigh, toes pointing down
Keep the left leg straight and steady
Extend the arms straight over the head
Keep palms together
To Exit » Exhale, lower right foot to the floor
Take arms down and repeat on other side

Utthita Trikonasana
Inhale and jump the feet 4ft apart
Keep the feet parallel and point forwards
Extend the arms out at shoulder level
Open the palms face them down
Lift the knees, trunk and chest
Turn the right leg and foot 90 to the right
Turn the left foot, slightly in
Keep the head and chest aligned
Exhale and extend the trunk to the right
Place the right hand down on the block next to the shin
Stretch the left arm in line with the left shoulder
Turn the head and look up
Keep both arms and legs straight
Inhale to come up

Utthita Parsvakonasana
Stand in Tadasana Inhale and jump the feet 4ft apart
Keep the feet parallel and point forwards
Extend the arms out at shoulder level
Turn the right leg and foot 90 to the right
Turn the left foot, slightly in
Bend the right leg to a right angle
Take the right hand down to the block next to the leg
Keep the chest facing the front
Extend the left arm up toward the ceiling
Turn the head to look up at the hand

Place two block on the right side of mat
Stand in Tadasana Inhale and jump the feet 3ft apart
Keep the feet parallel and pointing forward
Place hands on the waist
Turn the right leg 90 to the right
Turn the left leg in and torso to face the right Inhale and lift the chest
Exhale and bend at the waist to bring the torso parallel to the floor
Place the hands on the blocks
Straighten the legs
Concave the back
Raise the head and look up

Prasarita Padottanasana
Place two blocks in front of the mat
Stand in Tadasana
Inhale and jump the feet 4ft. apart
Keep the feet parallel and pointing forward
Exhale, extend the trunk forward from the hips
Place the fingertips on the blocks shoulder width apart
Keep the legs straight
Concave the back
Lift the chest and sternum
Raise the head and look up

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Keep the hands should width apart
Keep the feet in line with the palms
Open the palms, spread the fingers and press them evenly on the floor
Exhale and lengthen the spine up towards the hips
Keep the elbows and legs straight
Lift the thighs up and push them back
Lift the hips
Move the trunk towards the thighs
Take the heels towards the floor

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Iyengar Yoga Sequencing

While looking for an image for this blog post, I stumbled upon this excellent  yoga blog  with great sequences and cute drawings! I alrea...