Monday, December 16, 2013

Restorative Sequence: Discipline & Surrender

Discussion on duality.
Ying & yang

Supta Baddha Konasana
- w/o strap

Adho Mukha Virasana
- Turn torso to left & then right
- Inner arm extending

Twist on floor w/groin on bolster

- Feet width of mat
- Toes in
- Concave back

- Head down
- Feet hip width apart

Viparini Karini
- End with Baddha Konasana legs
- Then Swastikasana legs

Supta Swastikasana
- Double folded blanket for head
- Trifold blanket for middle torso
- Single fold blanket for legs

- Bolster & single fold blanket for head
- Block on 2nd height for upper back
- Seated on double fold blanket

- Seated on bolster
- one blanket for legs
- one blanket lying on top of thighs with hands resting

Asana practice is preparatory for seated meditation.

Iyengar Yoga Sequencing

While looking for an image for this blog post, I stumbled upon this excellent  yoga blog  with great sequences and cute drawings! I alrea...