Thursday, April 28, 2011

Restorative Class

Adho Mukha Virasana
- with bloster supporting body
- 2 blanket,s folded lengthwise, along torso
- 1 blanket, folded lengthwise, between legs, under butt

Adho Mukha Sirsasana
- bolster supporting head
- hands against wall

Uttanasana x2
- butt against wall
- weight on folded arms

Supta Virasana, Supta Baddha Konasana, Supta Swastikasana

- fully supported
- belt for legs
- tiny block under chest
- 2, instead of 1, blanket for head

Matsyasana, supported
- 2 chairs, facing each other
- folded matt on chairs
- 1 bolster across for back body
- blankets for head
- tiny block for chest
- feet completely on wall
- legs straight

Virasana Forward bend
- legs farther apart
- blanket between legs under butt
- fold body both sides, head resting on chair w/ blanket
- lengthen twisting torso side

Salamba Sarvagasana
- chair for support
- bolster and blanket for shoulders & head
- 3 variations: feet on wall, feet in Baddha Konasana, legs off chair

Setu Bandha
- block middle height against wall for feet
- block under sacrum longwise
- maybe bolster or blanket for falling chest


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