Saturday, September 1, 2007

Pranayama Continued

Today was the third Pranayama session. I hate saying it, but I feel like I'm struggling with not only doing Pranayama, but getting it as well. I feel like I don't remember anything from last class and this class refreshed my memory. We practiced Savasana and then Ujjayi and Viloma laying down. I would describe Ujjayi as one longer, deep, smooth inhalation follow by a pause and a longer, deep, smooth exhalation. I would describe Violma as dividing the breath in sections. So, before beginning a normal breath is needed followed by a Ujjayi inhalation and then exhaling all the air out. Now, in Violma when inhaling the breath it's inhaled from the pelvis region to the navel, a pause, and then continuing the inhalation from the pelvis region to the lower, a pause, and then continuing to breath from the lower chest to the upper chest, a pause, and then a slow and deep exhalation. This is Violma I. Violma II is done the same except the exhalations are divided and the inhalation is one breath. Violma III is both the inhalation and exhalation are divided. Of course, normal breathing cyclings are needed inbetween each Violma breath.

Now, where I get confused is the seated positioning and breathing techniques.

One of the techniques is: Bhramari. A deep Ujjayi inhalation and then a deep exhalation with a humming or murmuring sound like that of a bumble-bee. There is no retention of the breath.

Another is Sanmukhi Mudra in which use the fingers to keep out external sounds, lights, and other distractions. Placing the thumb-tips in the ear-holes, the fore and middle fingers to close the eyes, the middle finger tips to draw the upper lids down, and the fore-finger tips to cover reamining space above to keep out the light.

Last technique is called Digital Pranayama which is the placement of placing the fingers on the nose for even inhalation or exhalation. It's not just sticking one finger on one nostril and breathing, there more precision.

Now, none of these can be mastered until a good Savasana is achieved.

Iyengar Yoga Sequencing

While looking for an image for this blog post, I stumbled upon this excellent  yoga blog  with great sequences and cute drawings! I alrea...